GC Realtors Portal

This is a real estate network marketing portal for a real estate brokerage firm. This portal allows realtors to register on the portal using the referral link of their uplines.

The admin dashboard shows each realtor, the person who referred him or her (Upline) and his/her referrals (Downlines). Information about all those who register using his/her referral link (Downlines) will also be displayed on the realtor’s dashboard.

Another key feature is the ability to add properties. When a realtor makes a sale, he or she can login and click on that specific property he or she has just sold and submit a form.

The realtor can submit details of the property’s buyer and also upload proof of payment and other documents.

When the form is submitted, all submitted details and documents will be sent to the admin dashboard. The admin will see list of form submissions on the dashboard and can also download the documents uploaded by the realtor.

This can enable them to pay the necessary direct commission and indirect commission to the realtor and his/her upline respectively.

Their account details will also be captured by the system upon registration.

Also integrated directly into the system is an email marketing feature where all realtors can be sent bulk emails when need be with 100% deliverability guaranteed.

If you need this software for your real estate brand, you can submit this form.


Game Changers Network Limited

Handover Date

May 2024

Project Type
